$15/day – regular school day
$20/day – early release day
$35/day – teacher workday
$30/day – regular school day
$40/day – early release day
$60/day – teacher workday
Monthly Cost (teacher workdays and early release days are included in this cost, paying monthly saves you lots of money!)
$250 (one child)
450 (two children)
Multi-child discounts given to week long attenders & teacher workdays ONLY. Daily attenders will not receive a multi-child discount.
Payments Due by the 5th of each Month! $15 late fee will be charged if not paid by the 15th of each month
Camp Manna’s After School Care Program is designed to be a safe, Christ-centered program that offers care for children grades K-8th Monday – Friday. We currently pick up from Cooleemee, Cornatzer, Mocksville, & South Davie Middle School. Each afternoon consists of snack time, homework time and free play.
Students will be encouraged to be respectful and kind to everyone.
Teacher Workday/Holidays OPEN: Sept. 11, Oct 11th (TWD) Nov 1st (TWD), January 28th, March 10th, )
Teacher Workday/Holidays CLOSED: Labor Day (Sept 2nd), Veterans Day (Nov 11th), Thanksgiving (Nov 27-29th), Christmas Break Dec 23 – January 3), MLK (Jan 20th), President’s Day (February 17), Spring Break (April 21-25), Memorial Day (May 26th), June 12-13
We are open on ALL early release days except June 12th
**Christmas Break days are TBD**
Behavioral Policy: Students will not be allowed to use foul language, tease or make fun of anyone, be disrespectful to students or staff or fight in any manner. Camp Manna holds the right to suspend or expel any student for not following camp rules.
Discounts: Ask about our Teacher’s Discount, Military Discount, & Mult-child discounts.
Reg Day (M-TH) 3:00-6:00pm
Early Release (M-TH) 1:00-6:00pm
Teacher Workday 7:30am-5:30pm
Inclement Weather: If school is closed for inclement weather we are closed. If school is cancelled early due to bad weather coming in, we will still pick up students at school and will text parents letting you know what time our facility plans to close for the afternoon.
Homework Time: We will allow for 30-45 mins of homework time each afternoon. Students who require more time will need to complete homework at home so they do not miss all their play time!
Late Pickups : Late Pickups will be charged $5 per every 5 minute increment you are late.
STOP…if you particpated in Summer Camp 2024, you do NOT need to re-register. You are already in the system. Contact our office via email or phone to get signed up! You can login using this link to pull up your cart. Let us know if you need assistance. Thanks!
TO REGISTER: Call Office or email us. 336-284-2267 or campmanna1@gmail.com.
The link above is our new ONLINE SYSTEM. We ran this system through summer camp and it worked well! If you signed up for summer camp, then you do not need to re-enroll, you just simply need to login to your account.