Week Four Details - Splash Week - July 14-18

Super Splash Week …YOU WILL GET WET!
MONDAY: Crafts (K-3rd) Archery 4th-8th, Boats (all grades), Game Time, Devotions and More
TUESDAY: Swim Time(all grades), Game Time, Devotions, Canteen
WEDNESDAY: Crafts (4th-8th), Archery K-3rd, Boats (all grades), Game Time, Devotions, Canteen and MORE
THURSDAY: Swim Time (all grades), Game Time, Devotions, Canteen,
FRIDAY: Boats, Canteen, Devotions, Movie Day (Campers can bring small blankets, stuffed animals etc to have with them during their groups movie time. (IT MUST FIT IN THEIR BAG AND CUBBY). All Movies are rate G or PG (for older campers) and are filtered through VidAngel to remove any questionable content.
WATER WEEK – This week is dedicated to ALL WATER GAMES. Every game time will revolve around water and campers will get SOAKED during game times. They will want to pack an extra change of clothes and a bag to keep their wet clothes in EVERYDAY.
Special Activities: Tye-Dye t-shirts. We will begin the process on Monday and Tuesday. Every camper will get a screen printed Camp Manna shirt that they will tye-dye. They will bring their shirts home on Thursday or Friday. If your camper only comes a couple days, their shirt will be done for them if they are not present on the day their age group tye-dyes.