Week 6 – Wild West Week – July 28-Aug 1st

MONDAY: Crafts (K-3rd) Archery 4th-8th, Boats (all grades), Game Time, Devotions and More
TUESDAY: Swim Time(all grades), Game Time, Devotions, Canteen,
WEDNESDAY: Crafts (4th-8th), Archery K-3rd, Boats (all grades), Game Time, Devotions, Canteen and MORE.
THURSDAY: Swim Time (all grades), Game Time, Devotions, Canteen,
FRIDAY: Boats, Canteen, Devotions, Movie Day (Campers can bring small blankets, stuffed animals etc to have with them during their groups movie time. (IT MUST FIT IN THEIR BAG AND CUBBY). All Movies are rate G or PG (for older campers) and are filtered through VidAngel to remove any questionable content.
Special Activities: Paintball Grades 4th – 8th (no worries if your camper is younger, there are still lots of fun things planned)
4th – 5th Graders – Target Paintball ONLY. – Players will participate in shooting targets throughout the paintball course, they will collect points for their teams.
6th – 8th Graders – Target and/or Combat will be offered. If campers choose to participate in combat play (team vs team, capture the flag style) please note that getting hit by a paintball can be painful and may leave a mark and/or bruise. Most campers bring extra clothes and wear long sleeves and long pants to play. Paint may stain clothes so be mindful. Paintball is a very fun activity and we improve our course every year. However, we realize this is not an activity that every camper will enjoy, if your camper chooses not to participate there will be an alternate place for them to hang out while their age group is playing.
***Guns and Masks will be cleaned and disinfected between players.
***We are VERY STRICT about handling equipment properly. Students are given safety lessons before play and are immediately disqualified for not listening and abiding by the rules. No exceptions.
Special Activity: Middle School Camp Out
Middle School Camp out will occur on Thursday Afternoon to Friday Morning. Camp out will include dinner, games, bonfire, tent camping and breakfast. Camper pickup will be on Friday from 7:30am – 9:00am. NO MIDDLE SCHOOL CAMP ON FRIDAY!