Week Two Details - Color Wars Week - June 23-27

COLOR WARS WEEK – Get ready to be BLASTED with color!
Campers will learn how the Bible uses colors to teach us about Jesus!
MONDAY: Crafts (K-3rd) Archery 4th-8th, Boats (all grades), Game Time, Devotions and More
TUESDAY: Swim Time(all grades), Game Time, Devotions, Canteen,
WEDNESDAY: Crafts (4th-8th), Archery K-3rd, Boats (all grades), Game Time, Devotions, COLOR RUN, Canteen and MORE
THURSDAY: Swim Time (all grades), Game Time, Devotions, Canteen, FRIDAY: Boats, Canteen, Devotions, Movie Day (Campers can bring small blankets, stuffed animals etc to have with them during their groups movie time. (IT MUST FIT IN THEIR BAG AND CUBBY). All Movies are rate G or PG (for older campers) and are filtered through VidAngel to remove any questionable content.
Special Activities: COLOR RUN – All campers will participate in a Color Run on WEDNESDAY. Campers are encouraged to wear a white shirt that they don’t mind getting blasted with color. Our staff will be spraying them with colored powder (safe for color run events) and getting our campers colored from head to toe!! This is such a fun activity!